Explaining All This
Hey hey!
So I’m testing out this Notion API Integration to create a real-time blog without the need for a Heroku-deployed backend.
The goal for this site is to eventually create custom blogs for personal use or for clients who want a website that is easily customizable without the need for a website builder.
What you don’t see in this app right now is what I’m most interested in. Using Notion, you have the ability to implement properties for each Blog Post, creating a more complex object for each post as it relates to the Next.js framework.
The first thing that I wanted to implement was a filter for Published posts. That way if a post is in the writing process, nothing will be shown on the website until the published checkmark is set to ‘true’ using a simple boolean switch in Notion.
So you actually aren’t even seeing the full database of posts right now! Thankfully Notion’s API allows for a very easy filtering call using the JavaScript SDK that allows only certain conditions of properties to be selected in the fetch.
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